Thursday 24 June 2010

health today

The eagle recovers around a mark!

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Health and Fitness Tips- 25 ways to get fitter and feel better

1. Lift weights twice a week to increase your muscle mass. This muscle will burn more calories even when you are not exercising. Go to the gym, buy some weights for home, go for a walk with a bottle of water in your ruck sack or go to a weighted workout.

2. Take care of your heart and lungs by staying active for at least 30 minutes each day. This can be split into more than one session, so could mean 2 x 15 minute walks.

3. Eat small amounts of GOOD fats: avocado, oily fish, olive/flax oil, nuts and seeds, these will take care of your cardiovascular system (heart, arteries and veins). Eat less BAD fats: Fried food, meat, cakes, chocolate, crisps, biscuits, butter, these will harm your cardiovascular system, and make you fat. Remove ALL hydrogenated fats from your diet, they are very bad for you and hide in many ready made biscuits, cakes, crisps, puddings, sweets, chocolates. These fats are extremely harmful to your health. Avoiding them will help you avoid foods which are high in fat, sugar and salt and low in nutrients. Check labels.

4. Protein will make you feel full, and will help repair muscle after exercise. Try sourcing protein from skinless chicken, tofu, pulses (beans and peas) and oily fish such as salmon, fresh tuna and mackerel; these also contain other beneficial ingredients and are low in bad saturated fats.

5. Make sure you eat your carbohydrates, they help you to exercise and burn fat, but eat SLOW BURN carbohydrates such as oats (porridge), brown bread instead of white, brown rice, honey instead of sugar, brown pasta, lentils, vegetables, pulses. If you want to loose body fat, then replace half your carbohydrates with steamed vegetables, at your evening meal.

6. Drink more water, often the body sends the same signal for thirst as for hunger. Drink water first thing in the morning and all through the day, especially during and after exercising. Cut down on tea and coffee, avoid fizzy drinks.

7. Eat a piece of fruit and drink water instead of drinking fruit juice which is high in calories, and difficult to digest.

8. Watch out for sports drinks. Unless you are training very hard, a bottle of sports drink may replace all of the calories you have just burned in your activity. Bring a bottle of water instead.

9. Keep an eye on your drinking! Alcohol and mixers are high in calories.

10. Do not get hungry; this will lead to you eating the wrong things. Carry healthy snacks wherever you go; bananas, apples, rice cakes, dried fruit and nuts (go easy on them though). Hunger can be triggered by boredom or lack of stimulation. Go for a walk or wander round the garden, or do the vacuuming. Eat 5 small meals a day rather than 3 big ones.

11. Look at your portion sizes; in general they are larger than they need to be. If a smaller portion will leave you feeling hungry, add a huge spoon of steamed broccoli, cauliflower or other vegetables.

12. Eat your breakfast. In tests people who eat breakfast loose more weight than those who do not. You cannot exercise efficiently and achieve your potential without eating properly.

13. Do not go shopping when you are hungry. When you go, write a list and stick to it, don't be tempted by special offers on foods that you know are bad for you.

14. Look at the ingredients on everything that you buy. Look at the total amount of fat and what kind of fat- avoid saturated fats and hydrogenated fats as they are linked with developing heart disease. Look at the amount of calories and the amount of salt that you will be eating.

In general the more ingredients on a label, the less goodness is in the food. If you have time to prepare some meals with fresh ingredients you will improve your health, and probably cut down on fat, as most prepared food is high in fats and salt.

15. Beware of reduced fat labels- it only means that there is less fat than in the original thing. (For example reduced fat mayonnaise is still 50g fat per 100g- very high in fat). These foods are still often high in sugars, fat and calories and you may eat more of them because they appear to be healthy. Don't buy reduced fat biscuits and cakes, just eat something healthier and get used to the fact that life is ok without those things.

16. Don't fill the house with crisps, biscuits and sweets for the kids, it is no good for them and will encourage you to snack on them too. Try and move the whole family into healthier eating, this will help prevent obesity, heart disease and diabetes in your kids when they are your age, gift them with a long, quality life.

17. Stock up on healthy foods. Write a list of delicious healthy things that you may have forgotten you love, and make sure your cupboards are full of them; cherry tomatoes, baked beans on wholemeal bread, kiwis, mangoes, ryvita and marmite......

18. Make your lunch and take it to work. Buy whole grain rolls and tins of salmon and tuna- it only takes a few minutes to make a sandwich and pick up some fruit. Even a shop sandwich will be full of fat, and low in nutrients. Hold the mayo on the tuna!

19. Watch less TV: it will give you less chance to nibble, more time to exercise or organise yourself for the next day. Organization may be the key to making your lifestyle healthier.

20. Motivate yourself to change your lifestyle and that of your family. Set an example to the kids, that mum and dad are fit and active and healthy. Take them on walks, cycling, walk to the shops, and go swimming. Take them to a local fitness centre for football, dance or basketball. Our children need our help if they are to avoid the growing epidemic of obesity, heart disease and diabetes, as well as other lifestyle-related illness. Change their eating habits; you will only do them good. LEAD BY EXAMPLE.

21. Buy yourself an exercise video to do at home instead of watching TV. Choose yoga or Pilates, aerobics or stability ball. There is a huge range on offer, talk to me for help. Buy yourself a healthy lifestyle magazine for motivation, recipes and exercises to do at home. Four good ones are Zest, Men's Health, Ultra Fit, and Health and Fitness. Buy yourself a healthy eating or low fat cookbook for ideas.

22. Remember to have some treats and some fun, life is for living, being healthy should be enjoyable too, not a chore.

23. Slow down, stop rushing around, become more organised and make time to enjoy cooking, exercising and life in general.

24. Take some time to relax and unwind. You need to lower stress levels to stay healthy, exercise, Yoga and Pilates can help you do this, and so can a warm bath by candlelight.

25. Make exercise and healthy eating a normal and enjoyable part of every day of your life. You will live longer, protect your children's health and be a happier, healthier person.

I hope that this gives you some motivation to change your life in small ways and reap large benefits. Until next time,

Do you have any friends and family who could benefit from getting fitter and feeling better? If you do, then treat them to free copy of this newsletter, forward it to them, and get them to e-mail me with a request. E-mail subject: newsletter request.

Vikki Scovell BA(hons) PG DIP is a fully qualified Personal Trainer and Fitness Coach. She is a qualified Nutrition Adviser and runs successful Community Exercise classes. Vikki is a consultant in Healthy Eating and Exercise initiatives to schools in the independent sector and publishes School and General Healthy Living newsletters.

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Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

Monday 21 June 2010

Alert All Overweight Women - Get Fit at Home Starting Today!

Are you an overweight woman? Well, stupid question, you wouldn't be here if you wouldn't want to get fit. I have good news for you, getting a fit and healthy body is something that any overweight woman can achieve a lot more easily than most believe.

How to Get Fit at Home

Many so called fitness experts claim that you must go to the gym to lose weight and get that fit and sexy body. Let me tell you something, that is complete baloney! It is in NO way necessary for you to work your butt off at the gym..

Those fit and healthy bodies are made in the kitchen, that is a fact that any real fat loss expert can tell you!

The biggest mistake that most dieting women make is that they start a diet and then they stick to it like their life depended on it. This type of an approach to losing weight will not work for very long. Sure, you will see some results in the beginning but after that, you'll get stuck and will not lose any more fat..

The key to keep losing weight is to transfer from one diet to another every once in a while. This way your body will not have time to get used to any specific diet and so it will stay in fat loss mode continuously.

If you like working out, fine, do what ever you prefer, exercising can definitely help your dieting efforts. Just keep in mind, exercising will not get you fit unless you know what you are doing in your kitchen. Eating is the key to losing fat, it doesn't have to be starvation, you can actually enjoy it, you just need to know what you are doing..

Since I am here to help you women to get that fit and attractive body, I must recommend you the Yay Food Program. They have helped many women to lose weight fast and you CAN do the same. You can join their program IMMEDIATELY so you can start getting fit today! Best of luck to you!

Top Ten Reasons to Get Fit at Home

From the home office in Vero Beach, Florida, we have created our top ten listing for getting fit at home. (Drum Roll Please...)

#10. Save Time: No need to pack your gym bag, as your clothes are right at home. Change in the comfort of your own bedroom. No rushing to the gym and trying to find a parking place. Our trainers are the ones who have to rush around. You just have to be ready to get fit at home and concentrate during your session.

#9. No Sweaty Equipment: Ever pick up a free weight and find it sticky from someone else who just used it before you? Not a problem when you work out with one of a personal trainer at home there is no sharing of equipment.

#8. No Gossip or Work Colleagues: There is no need to worry about who will be at the gym or if a fellow work colleague that you do not want to see is there... it's just your trainer and you.

#7. Your Own Shower: No need to wear flip-flops to avoid athlete's foot. It's your own bathroom and shower you will retire to after an hour's killer workout designed for just you to get fit at home.

#6. No Gym Membership Fees: You don't pay for the gym to be open 24/7. You only pay for the time we work with you, even though most at home personal trainers create a bespoke fitness program for you even when not there with you.

#5. Help The Environment: Do you know how many towels gym locker rooms go through for just one use? All that water, all that washing detergent. It's terrible for our environment. Home personal trainers help the environment and less travel by clients cuts creates fewer car journeys to and from the gym.

#4. No Staring Men & Women: Most of us do not want to be a part of the meat market at the local gym. Unless you look good in spandex, we do not want to be showing ourselves to complete strangers. Most of us do not look good in spandex.

#3. No Nursery Required: Never lose site of your baby or child. Home personal trainers have worked with post natal clients, helping to regain their pre-birth physique with the infant right in the room. You can run with your baby right with you - don't leave your child in the company of a stranger. Workout with your baby at your side, safe and supervised.

#2. Comfort & Privacy: Most of us do not want to be seen in our least attractive state as we try to burn the fat and sweat out the toxins from within our body. Why should we have to do this in public view in a gym? Train in the comfort and privacy of your home or quiet complex fitness center.

#1. Save Money: No gym fees. No gas miles. Our personal training fees are not passed back to a gym to cover the gym's overheads, so our personal training fees are, on average, 12% lower than your local gym's trainer fees.

We are Florida's, New York City and Los Angeles's biggest team of home personal fitness and home personal training experts. Please visit our website at for more information, or email us directly at with any questions.

How to Build Your Home Gym Effectively and Work Out at Home

Some people love to work out at home with a home gym setup, rather than paying up to $50 or more per month for a gym membership. On top of, if you work out at a gym, you are at the mercy of their work schedule too, which more often than not is something along the lines of 8-6 PM during the week days, even less than that on the weekends, depending on the gym, along with the location.

However, many people quickly stop working out when they go with a home gym setup; this is why it is important to setup a home gym the right way, so that you wont get sick of it shortly after you start, or so you wont end up getting rid of the equipment just to save on space inside of your house.

First of all, rather than just running to the sporting goods store and buying a ton of equipment that you are just going to end up never using shortly down the road, put some serious thought into what you really need, BEFORE you go out and purchase it. You will want to create some goals, consider how much space your equipment is going to take up, and you will also want to create a budget for this adventure as well.

As far as goals, do what exactly are you looking for when it comes to working out? Do you want to build muscle mass? Do you want to burn fat and lose weight? Do you simply want to just be athletic and toned, or perhaps more flexible? These are the primary factors that will determine what type of home gym setup you need to build, and what equipment to fill your space with.

If building muscle is what you want to do, then you may consider buying a home gym station with resistance or free weights. If you want to exercise and burn some fat, then a treadmill or elliptical machine would be ideal, as would a few good work out DVD's (and of course a TV to watch them on). Do you want to work on flexibility and getting toned? Then you will probably want to buy a thick floor mat for all of your stretching etc. Also, they make all sorts of neat gadgets for stretching and getting toned, most of which are along the lines of large, flexible rubber bands, among other things.

Once you are armed with a solid goal (or set of goals), a reasonable budget, and you know exactly what type of workout you will be targeting, then it is time to start buying the equipment that you need. Also, remember to figure in how much space the equipment will take up as well. All too often it seems that people end up moving (or getting rid of) their home gym equipment because they are sick of sacrificing a large amount of room in their house. So plan ahead, and know what to expect.

This informational article was brought to you by expert author Marvin, who enjoys writing in his spare time, along with building small websites. His latest website is about the popular american standard toilet seats and the american standard one piece toilet as well.